(The China Times) I was informed today that Blogger.com will no longer support FTP publishing from March 26th, which means this blog has to be transferred to Blogger's hosted platform, or to a new installation of Wordpress. It's been hosted by HE.net for three months and I really enjoy its service, as it only costs me $1.00 per month to get the static IP address and SFTP connection to my web space. However, the migration is on its way and I have to prepare for that.
For end users like me, Blogger FTP publishing is exceedingly neat and robust, but it has always been a heavy load for the server clusters of Blogger.com . In the latest blog entry of the team behind blogger.com , they claimed that only 0.5% of active users are using FTP publishing, in order to serve the other 99.5% better, they've decided to "sacrifice" this tiny proportion of loyal customers. With all due respect, this decision is BAD indeed, also I want to point out that Blogger.com is still not accessible in Mainland China. It is not feasible for Chinese bloggers to implement custom domain on blogger.com because "ghs.google.com" has been blocked by GFW for years.
Therefore, after been abandoned, I'll switch the DNS of Chinais.com and point this domain to another web space. Visitors may experience blackout during the migration. I appreciate your support and thank you so much for visiting this blog. As for the architecture of new blog, I haven't figure it out yet.
致各位亲爱的访客朋友,The China Times 中国公报自诞生至今一直得益于Blogger.com 平台的FTP发布功能,我们使用的HE.NET 静态空间完美地经受了运行的考验。根据Blogger.com 的最新消息,FTP发布功能将自三月二十六日起终止,因此我们将把这个站点迁移到新的主机里,同时切换到wordpress平台。在此期间会暂时地无法访问,请理解并多多支持!
目前这个模板是站长自己亲手改的,blogger.com 世界里独此一家,此外这个域名也非常适合面向搜索用户的SEO,我们的主域是整洁的主词China + be动词is,注册时间很长,在搜索引擎里颇有优势。这个博客正式的发布是去年十一月开始的,中间圣诞节中断了一个月。承蒙访客朋友厚爱,很多链接来自朋友们的推荐。为了纪念中国公报走过的这一段路程,在此短暂地公布我们开站至今的访问记录:
我们的访问量一直在攀升,来路也日趋多样。面向世界客观地发布中国/面向中国准确地介绍世界是我们的梦想,这一片天地大有可为,Chinais.com 就是十分响亮的品牌。站长个人精力与能力有限,如有热心同好愿意加入,请致函 chinais.com@gmail.com (外文译中文或中文译外文皆可,亦不局限于英文。优秀来稿一经采用我们会支付稿费。)
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